We Jumped Back In

The return to in-person learning in January was a big event for us all! The children came back like old pros and didn’t miss a beat. We were off and running with our second week of “J” activities. We listened to jazz music and studied Henri Matisse, who was influenced by jazz music. Our Matisse cut-paper collages, “drawing with scissors,” fill our classrooms, from our “maxi” collage windows to our “mini” collages on the wall.

We continued with our study of Japan with maps of Japan, Japanese flags, cherry blossom prints, and Hokusai wave creations. “K” is kimonos and kites! The children were challenged to match a kimono pattern of shapes by collaging origami paper. Our carp kites were a multi-step project that took many days, with roller painting, lacing, stuffing, taping, and finally tying on tails. We visited the clay studio to make Japanese lunch sets. The set includes, a sushi tray, rice bowl, tea bowl, and chopstick holder. We learned the technique of coiling, pinch pots, slabs, and making impressions with clay. These will be glazed and fired in the coming weeks.

“L” week inspired reading the story, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Truffula trees were the focus for easel art and a collaborative sculpture. For a science experiment, we sprouted a variety of beans in our classroom windows. The children panted them in soil, and we watched them grow. Lions were a focus this week. We asked “What do lions like best?” and got some good answers from our friend Leo the Lion. Ask your child about lions. We did the limbo! Have your child demonstrate how to do the limbo.

“M” is for monster! We read Jeremy Draws a Monster by Peter McCarty, and drew monsters in our journals by using a blue ballpoint pen like Jeremy did. “M” week was also a time for “Marvelous Math.” We worked with the concepts of more, measurement, minus, and money. At the easels, we painted letter “Mm” on maroon paper with metallic paint.

Preschool Perspectives prep is in full swing. The children have been busy planning and working collaboratively on art projects to make a great exhibition. We look forward to the next few months as our vision and projects grow.

Music has been a tremendous outlet, especially on these cold winter days when we have not been able to go outside. In January, we kicked off our return to school with movement activities in the Theatre centered on different types of jazz music. The song “Kookaburra” was perfect for K week, as we sang about this “laughing” Australian bird, and talked about other K animals, such as koalas, kangaroos, and kiwis. Coincidentally, the melody from “Kookaburra” was also used the following week as we sang an original song about The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. Love was in the air this past week as we played music to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

With Chinese Lunar New Year starting on February 12, we celebrated during “Nn” week! Red and gold are considered lucky, so we created our gold initials on red matte board. We made money envelopes, a traditional gift for Chinese New Year, out of red paper and decorated them with gold. Inside you will find a lucky coin. Happy New Year!

In American Sign Language, the children have been learning the signs for pets. We have been practicing the signs: dog, cat, fish, mouse, bird, turtle, guinea pig, and rabbit. We have been singing and signing along to “The Pet” song, and sharing the pets that they have at home. In the Theatre we acted out the sounds and movement of these animals. The children communicated which animal it was by using sign language. We have also begun to explore the world of counting and signing numbers 1-10. Ask your child to teach you some pets or number signs.

Spanish lessons incorporated music as an important means of learning over the past few weeks. Using the song “Buenos Dίas” by José Luis Orozco, we practiced how to say not only Buenos dίas (Good morning), but also Buenas tardes (Good afternoon) and Buenas noches (Good night.) We have also been learning the song “Pollito Chicken”, which introduces a variety of words in Spanish, including parts of the face and animals. Find the lyrics on Google Classroom, so you can sing and sign along with your child.

Outdoor exploration in our very own winter wonderland has been a highlight for the children. We look forward to exploring our outdoor areas more in these next few weeks.

We celebrated love for Valentine’s Day. Valentine making, with mixed media materials, filled our day. Special love letters were mailed out to families.

Coming up this week, letter Oo is for Ox, the Lunar New Year Zodiac animal for 2021.