Excerpts From “E” Week

Extra! Extra! We are exploring letter “E” for two weeks electronically! Our first week of virtual learning was excellent! The children seemed excited to be together and participate via ZOOM. Our Zoo Phonics character is Ellie Elephant…eh,eh,eh.  

Find things around your home that begin with the letter “E” to add to our list. Watch out for those tricky words with a long “e” sound (i.e. easel, erasers, eels.)

We are gearing up for the Primary Color Election! Ballots have been distributed to all of the eligible voters. VOTE signs are in the process and the children are busy promoting their candidate of choice. We talked about the importance of voting. Who will win? Red? Yellow? Blue? The colors are neck and neck! It’s any primary color’s game now. And there is even some hope for the secondary color, the green party! Identify primary and secondary colors around your home. Literacy links to everything we do in class. Don’t miss the story on Google Classroom, Sofia Valdez Future Prez by Andrea Beaty, read by Courtney.

We learned about all the colors in the Rainbow American Sign language lesson. The Rainbow Song incorporates the signs for each of the colors. The rainbow Scavenger hunt appeared to be a great success as children hunted for colored objects around the house.

The Spanish Los Colores books took shape with the children adding the text to the colored pages of their book. Ask your child to “read” you their book for practice. They can add the sign language as they say the color in Spanish as well!

Thank you for supporting us and working with us to enhance learning at home for your child/ren while we are apart. We love seeing all the little unmasked faces on the screen and hearing their voices as they join in. They are all doing so well with the virtual aspect! We appreciate our parents!

E week extends into this week!