¡Los Colores en Español!

Over the past few weeks, both the primary and secondary colors have been our focus in Spanish. Through the use of TPR (a language-teaching technique which stands for Total Physical Response), the children are given directions in Spanish to find certain objects of a particular color. As much of the instruction is done in Spanish as possible, so that the children can successfully understand what they are being asked to do. So far the colors we have covered include: azul /ah-zool/ (blue), rojo /roh-hoh/ (red), amarillo /ah-mah-ree-yoh/ (yellow), verde /bayr-day/ (green), anaranjado /ah-nah-ran-hah-doh/ (orange), and morado /moh-rah-doh/ (purple.)

Our furry amigo, Benito, has also been visiting the class to help the students learn some simple greetings in Spanish. Hola /oh-lah/ (hello) and adiós /ah-dee-ohs/ (good-bye) are two of those words, as well as, gracias /grah-see-ahs/ (thank-you.) Try using these words when you greet and say good-bye to your child before and after school!